Power, Action, Accountability, Change

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo


We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo

We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.



Join our movement, we are the alternative, let us work together for real change in DR Congo


Join our movement, we are the alternative, let us work together for real change in DR Congo



We have meetings each Saturday from 13h30 to 16h30. For more information, please call our Secretary 07440 122114


Tshisekedi must resign because he is working with Kabila a criminal, he must be arrested with his regime.

News Flash

Exile government in action, 5 charitable commissions. 

Together we can.


Coronavirus, ensemable tokolonga, sunga ba kolo, benga, sobela bango biloko, tokolonga

President Okito & Jeremy Corbyn former UK Opposition leader


Attention President Okito Tongomo interview on BBC Radio.

Weekend programme, 1st June 2019.  

Our leader is planning to return DR C, after 22 years in Exile with BBC 

News in Diaspora

We are main DR Congolese organisation around the globe with well over 10.000 registered Members.

We have 5 charitable commissions:

1. Unity Commission

2. Education & Integration Commission

3. Public Relation Commission

4. Immigration Commission

5. Our country of origin Commission

Our Unity Commission has three departments:

1. Women department

2. Youth Department

3. Value Sharing, mainly working for better life, communities' cohesion.

We are also Social Justice and Diaspora New Political Movement for Change

Our slogan:

Power, Action, Accountabilities and Change


Our two most recent Meetings of May 2019, DR Congolese women calling for Unity, and planning for future join Events. Congolese Women Cuisine


News in DR Congo

Conference in London, special guest our leader President Okito Tongomo, we must end impunity, illegal gentleman agreement between Kabila & Tshisekedi. 


Je suis kasai, Kabila must be arrested, a criminal incompetent & tyrant


President Okito & former UK Deputy Premier Minister Nick Clegg


Our President Okito Tongomo, meeting world Leaders. Former Premier Minister Tony Blair his role model, Gambian President Adam Barow his friend and Recent DR Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi during London visit in October 2018. DR Congo need new accountable leaders


ATTENTION. FLASH, Messages du President Okito Tongomo CORONAVIRUS EZA, tres important pour tous les Congolais et (es)

Raisons ya annulation definitive ya concert ya fally na londres. President Okito Tongomo. Donne verdict

President Okito Tongomo, a confirmer concert ya fally ipupa eza annulé. Le 09/03/2020.

Message a la nation, preseident Okito Tongomo, donne des instructions. Diaspora & DR Congo au coeur, coronavirus message for our communities.


Fire at Paris station amid Tribulist and Gov. element to divise Diaspora Congo concert protest

Concert Bercy 2020 de Fally cree une Confrontation et doit etre Annulé -President Okito UK parle de la police Française

Opposition Congolaise officielle dans la Diaspora. Congolese Support Group, only opposition movement 

Kabila a-t-il dribblé Fatshi? Président Okito/UK répond..Fally Ipupa doit Annuler son Concert pour..


Congo for Labour Created Power, Action, Accountablity, Change  Best organisation in UK Awarded in 2009 - 2011

Link with Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister

We want Justice in DRCONG

Congolese Support Group, youth team during younth value sharing activities, African leaders in UK meeting, Africa TV, & President Okito


Rdc: Le president Okito Reagit a chaud na interview ya tshisekedi. 30 June 2019.

DR Congo's journey into chaos - BBC News

DR Congo crisis: On Kasai's hunger road - BBC News

Espoir Lima, active member of Congolese support group, in charge of Mobilisation, here in London Excel, our team protesting against the presence of President Tshisekedi in London, during Africa Summit for Investors. Tshisekedi is very weak, complicit and incompetents to lead our country, he must resign now.

President Okito Tongomo, calling for Justice for 12 million DR Congolese Killed, 6 million currently in refugee camps, 1 million women rape, youth exploitation, illegal gentlemen agreement between Kabila & Tshisakedi, our Leader President Okito will take the leadership soon. 

Congolese Support Group, Januray 2020, Women Cuisine, a very unique event that bring Community together is Greenwich South London.

Our local authorities Councillor John Fahe 7 David welcome the events and have included our activities on their personal diaries

Here, a powerful and accountable debat in Aljazeera, President Okito Tongomo, against Andre-Alain Atundu Liongo, spoke person & General Secretary and Foreigner Minister of President Kabila's party and regime, very good political lesson. Our leader can be trusted.

President Okito Tongomo on TRT Worl TV, all DR Congolese around thew globe are showing support, we Quote: We are all behind you, Congolese people deserve your leadership, please speed your contact, criminal are killing our nation. Exile government is our Unified vision, God bless you

Attention, here is the Man with a clear vision for our country, President Okito Tongomo, calling for Mr Kabila to step down, and asking a DR Congo political analyst to stop talking Nonsense