Power, Action, Accountability, Change

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo


We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo

We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.


Gallery Marche Et Piquet


Felix Tshisekedi present in London; Picket against him and his regime in front of London Excel  where he is holding a meeting, January 2020

Grande marche à LondrèGrande marche à Londrès !! Kabila must go
Grande marche du 31 Decembre 2017!! Kabila must go

16th Decembre 2017: Picket in front of DRC embassy in London
06th October 2017: Picket in front of DRC embassy in London
30 Juin 2017: JE SUIS KASAI 

Grande Marche des Congolais de Londrès du 19 Decembre 2016
Grande Marche des Congolais de Londrès du 19 Octobre 2016
Marche du 20 Septembre 2016: Premier carton Jaune de KABILA et de son gouvernement

Picket for the victims of new massacre in BENI, enough is enough Kabila must go

Congolese never give up for the love of the DRC our Counrty, we protest against Kabila and his dictatorial regime