Power, Action, Accountability, Change

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo


We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.

Congolese Support Group

Basali Ya Ekolo

We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.


Education and Integration Commission


Our Education & Integration Director 
Antoine Nzuzi


Diamana Mississipi
Vice Director


Promoting and fostering the importance of education and knowledge as the key to integration and assimilation. Create a welcome environment to help those already granted leave to remain in UK to integrate the society.

Promote the value of our cultures and encourange young people to learn and work with us, more importantly to reduce crime and premature and regular unpredictable death within our communities.

For the future of our country, our Education & Integration Commission, would provide leadership training, to plan and prepare stabilities, and accountabilities within our communities and those leaders will be keen to work in the future for the promotion of democracy, accountabilities and stabilities in country of origin the DR Congo.

1. Promote Education and Integration for young Congolese, adults, to reduce Barbarism.
2. Identify children described us under achievement in our local school.
3. Help them with after school learning activities.
4. Assist adults with learning difficulties, women and single mother and disabled
5. Promote English class for most people with language barrier
6. Create Evening and Weekend recreation for women, disabled, adults and young people
7. Provide assistance to those looking for jobs, CV Centre
8. Provide IT, ESOL, and Leadership training to our members
9. Assist young people with emotional and behaviour disorder
10. Provide assistance to those with mental health and other health issues.
11. Evening and Weekend leisure centre for elderly and disable people.
12. Identify church that are abusing children (Witchcraft)
13. Drop in Session
14. Provide help and assistance to those with Credit and banking difficulty
15. Assist victim of rape, torture and domestic violence.


1. Strategies

Vote for MPs who support issues such as just trade, against arms trade, against international debt, against climate change, limit multinational companies, etc. Money for education & health- not for arms.

We need an International Arms Treaty. Applying arms embargo to oppressive regimes.

Mining Corporations should to be held to account.

Bishops in developed countries need to support church leaders in developing countries in their struggles for Justice and Peace, and to speak out against corruption.

2. Lobbying Government 

Activists - NJPN workers - to meet individual asylum seekers and refugees to listen to their anxieties and frustrations.

Meet with sympathetic MPs sensitive to the needs of asylum seekers, to highlight concerns, personal cases.

Draw up list of MPs to target by constituency, geographical area, Parishes with experience, refugee agencies,

3. Creating better shared information systems 

Information and expertise are available from many sources: JRS, Caritas SAN, Refugee Council, SVP, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Citizens Organising Foundation, Churches Refugee network, Independent Asylum Commission, Bishops’ Conference etc.

Create a shared database of pooled knowledge.

Use it to produce fact sheets which can be used across all organisations, Update it regularly. 

4. Telling the stories of asylum seekers and detention centres 

Be aware of the UN Charter of Human Rights.

Improve networking between different agencies involved in supporting asylum seekers, refugees and people in detention.