Power, Action, Accountability, Change
We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.
We believe in value sharing, bringing together all DR Congolese people, fighting for the just liberation of our country & promoting education, integration and our Congolese culture.
Political strategy, President Okito, Director Leon, Acting Director John Ohembe, Maman Pres. Esthera et Acting V. D. Dom Bentum, Maman Cecile, Maman Marie Jeanne Nsolonga et Maman Omba Marguerette.
Friday 28 July 2017
Attention, depot du Memo des Congolais (es),Mr Kabila et son entourange doiventy etres arreter, investigation independante de tout les crimes. President Okito, Directeur Leon, Acting Directeur John Ohembe, Maman Pres. Esthera et Acting V. D. Dom Bentum au camera
Maman chez la premiere ministre theresa may, ce 28/07/2017, Maman Cecille Shima, Maman Marie Jeanne Nsolanga Mpiana, Maman Esthera Kosha Onya, Maman Marguerette Omba.